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Redirect to your updatable link with the gamer.band/username, scannable QR Codes, & NFC tap to scan products. GAMER.BAND redirects to any link. With the included sosats.com /gamerband page, you can list your gaming links, display your gaming usernames, merch links, social profile links, shop links, and more.


Fup Ayme Pillow

Spread gifs of joy, embed excitement, or post a simple smiley face. Scanning the QR Code can redirect to any link you set or link to the most recent message posted (Embed, Status, Photo, Quote, Gif, File, Video, Audio, Link).


Display Codes

Simply create your link or enter your username and the QR Code is automatically displayed on the /qr page. Already have a QR Code image? Upload your QR Code images and they will display on the /qr/uploads page. Also includes /qr/pay to display all your pay me links *QR Codes display when viewing your own profile


Rubber Duckies on the Dash

Shake what the mother duck gave ya in official merchandise. Custom Duck Count Tees also available.


Rainbow Mummy Cat Dance

Imagine that, you can match Rainbow Mummy Cat. Wear your Mummy Wrap Costume Style outfits when you do the Rainbow Mummy Cat Dance!

 Ya'll Dance? Ya'll Dance!
